Wednesday, September 16, 2009


no...she is not an alien being from another planet that has super powers.

she is just a human being, flesh and bone...

this super woman is a very close and long time friend of mine. i dubbed her this title because of what she went through, what she is going through and about to go through. if strength has a face, it would be hers for sure.

it took all of her to keep it together for so long, while going through the life she is leading. even though many said she should have dumped it all and start over, she didnt because of many important, over looked reasons. she tough it out and gave it another shot. for that, she has my highest respect. because it wasnt easy, at all.

but now, she said "ENOUGH!". and i dont blame her. if she were to stay, it would break her. it would make her hate herself and life. and i really dont want that to happen, she has a beautiful soul with an amiable yet cheeky personality. i really do not know how she manage to be sane still after what had happened. how she is still a loving doting mother even after a mega headache problem just dropped on her.


you deserve so much more. better things... you deserve happiness.

i guess its time my dear friend. its time to HIJRAH. start over, for your kids sake and especially for your sake.
its not the end of the world. in fact, you are opening a door to a whole new, and hopefully better world.

please know that no matter what you decide and do, i will be here for you, til eternity.