Wednesday, December 16, 2009

i dont care

i dont care...

...what people think of me - bitchy, fat, obnoxious, etc..
...whether people like me or not
...if people are talking bad stuff behind my back
...if people dont like how i do stuff
...if people dont like me smoking
...if people dont like me drinking
...if they dont like what i write in my blog
...if people dont like what i wear
...if people think im a looser
...if people think my friends are loosers
...if people think im not at their level
...if people dont like my hubby
...if people think im cold
...if people think im full of myself

i just D O N T C A R E!

its my life.

why should i care. in the past i cared too much on what other think of me, and i was miserable!!

but when i learn that i cant please everybody, fuck it! im gonna live my life, my way!

and i have been practising this mantra as my way of life for the past 6 years, and its been great!

im totally comfortable in my own skin.

i am happy.

and i am proud of myself - because others may not have 'found' themselves even until the day they die.

in fact i see others slowly begining to understand my lifestyle and have accepted me for what i am. and some even have implemented it in their life, and i see that they are much happier.

i pity those people that cares so much on what others think of them. the type of people that have this need to want to be popular all the time.

i know that im a bitch. at least i know it, am proud of it and am happy with it. and with this lifestyle, it has its benefits but it also has its, errmm...downside a bit. one of it is that i know im not the popular one. i use to worry and be unhappy that im unpopular, but now, i dont care.

if you dont like what i write in here, dont read it. no one is putting a gun to your head to read it. i never go to your blog or territory and tell you what to write and what not to write! its my god damn blog! i write what i want.

at least i have the gutts to say things that people only dare think and not say it out loud.

now i live my life by just being out right straight and not waste time. its much more efficient and consumes less energy.

trust me people, this is the best way to live your life. much better than being bound by what the society says is best.

screw 'em! its your life! so live it your way! life is too short for you to bow to others all the time.

theres only one that you bow to, and that is God.