u guys are probably wondering, oh oh, who is the nut that made me angry? hahah...
dont worry, im not soo angry but just pissed off and annoyed to hell! unfortunately there are many morons out there that just dont get the message.
especially families...
but this time is not about me. its about a very very good friend of mine that has finally snapped and giving everyone that gave her a hard time this:
yes! she finally cracked and voiced out her frustration! i knew that this day would come.
i am just sad that she had to wait till her life is soooo fucked up to flip! all these years, her family has always dictated how she should live her life. it pains me to see her in those situations. but no matter what, i have never given up on her, even though many said she is a lost cause. no, i dont believe that. i may have changed how i say things to her, or just be an ear for her to vent things out, but i have always told her to tell off these idiots! that this is her life! just give them a big old:
i really dont get her family. dont they want her to be happy? cant they see that they are hurting her instead of helping her?? cant they see they are ruining her life? yes i admit, she has made mistakes and errors that make us go..WTF?...but who hasnt? im sure we have gone through that crazzy decisions in life, at least once in our lifetime! but these mistakes are the ones that makes us stronger and hopefully wiser. and family is suppose to help us get back on our feet and support us through those trying times. not ridicule, belittle and push our heads under water!
yes! thats what her family is doing to her! and when she finally stood up for herself, they say she is a rebel, an ungrateful daughter/sister! just becasue her stand differs from theirs, therefore its wrong and she is stupid!
OMG! get out from underneath that rock will ya!! and sadly enough, these stupid remarks and actions come from educated people that have seen the world! how can their mind be so narrow still??? that still baffles me, even though i have seen many like them before. i still dont get it.
yes, her current decision is not the popular one, but its hers to make. i have my own personal opinion to what i think is best for her. i voice it out as an advice, but what she decides at the end of the day, is 1000% hers and hers alone to make.
i hate people that think 'im holier than thou' when their life is clearly no where near the fecinity of anything remotely holy! look, im no angel too, but i dont go around preeching how others should live their life!
AAAHHH! Fuck it! im sick and tired of her and people like her! out of respect and request from my best friend, i shall not mention your name, but i shall still have my say about you!
And this is especially for you, stupid whore!
You are a law graduate for God's sake! you study different methodology and ideas from various types of people and you cant even accept your sister's decisions in life? you cant even be a sister to just be there for her? she is not even asking for anything, and what did she get? millions of stab wounds behind her back! from people that share the same father and mother! who the fuck are you to tell ANYONE how to live their fucking life! whereas your own pathetic life is far from stable! you have 1 kid, no job, filthy rich husband - and you think you know whats best for others??? really??? if your answer is YES, than you are much more stupid that i thought!
remember, i know ALL your past shit! and reflecting on that, you dare call her a rebel? ungrateful? you are the most ungrateful person i have met! and this is not even me talking about how you 'remember' my parents' role in your life! because, hey, after all, my parents are not blood, right? but your own sister? she has always been there for you, through your endless bitching and whining about your poor little rich life! you may say that wealth is not everything. thats true, and i have seen many millionaires that is totally unhappy. but you dont see them telling others how to live their lives, do you??
so, conclusion is.. SHUT D FUCK UP and mind your own fucking business! And for God's sake, leave her alone to live her life. if her decision is a mistake and in the future she gets screwed over, it was her decision and she learn something from that blunder, the hard way. but thats life!
do me a favour, just stay in that Nazi land! it fits your character to the tee!! and she doesnt need you. i think thats whats pissing you off huh? that she realised that she doesnt need you in her life! that she is doing just fine without you. after all, you constantly need to be the center of attraction and anything and everything that happens in this world, is all about you in the end1 talk about classic narcissist = "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy". yup! thats you!
you see, in order to be a really good family or friend to someone, you not only accept their good behaviour, but their flaws as well! you empathise their problems and feelings, you be there for them, at anytime, anywhere. thats how true honest relationships are built and sustained!
i may not have a degree, but it doesnt take a fucking genius to figure that out! its common sense! which i see is not commonly used by many, including you.
thats it. im not gonna talk about you anymore. you're just wasting my time and space here in my blog. but i still do it because i have had it! if it were up to me, i would be saying this straight to your face! but i respect my best friend's wishes and not 'play with pigs - coz i will get dirrty and you will be happy'! im just gonna flush you down the drain!
Sita, we have been friends since we were in kindy! thats 25 years!!!
i love you, and no matter where you go, i will always be here for you. i am so proud of you... you have finally found some voice and backbone. soon, you will get your full spine and roar to those who have wronged you. and i shall be waiting there, right beside you, helping you fight them off! welcome to the club babe! now, you're on your way in becoming a bitch! i like! :D
this blog is dedicated to all of your ENEMIES! because your enemies, are mine as well!
the war is on!
Friday, December 11, 2009
f u c k o f f
Posted by tyssl at 2:36 PM
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OMG! we have the same problem. i also have a sister who always bzbody about my personal life and tell on my parents. she loves to see my parents scold me, hate me. she wants to be the centre of attention. i cant believe that she's so jealous of me! i hate her. i cant forgive what she did to me.
yana...why dont u just shut up and quit fighting sita's battles??dont u hv ur own demons to fight off??im really surprised...thought u wud know better than to rant on and on based on only what sita has told u...U dont even know what really is goin on..but then again,wat else is new?
As much as u want to bitch bout everything and everybody under the sun, maybe its best u know what picture sita has been painting bout u.Not a very nice one i might add.
U aint the sharpest tool in the shed, are u??So stop ranting on u fat bitch.U sound so angry and again, POINTLESS.
U say out of respect for sita, u wont be telling us straight to our faces, aik??!!!takkan berani takat kat blog jer???Mai la rumah...habaq depan muka.I siap buat air sirap for u...a big big jug coz im sure you'd have lots to say bout anything and everything.
Nways, keep blogging ya?for somebody who gets off telling ppl she is so important in that god-forsaken company, u sure hv a lot of time:)
Bye now, cant wait for your next entry:) im sure you'll have a point eventually.
Remember ya Yana, tengok2 sikit gajah depan mata u, jangan dok sibuk tengok kumbang sebelah rumah.
thanks for all your comments. good and bad. i didnt know people even read it! :P
oh well....
i accept whatever people hv to say abt me, bcoz if i can dish it out, i must be able to take it as well, rite?
yes, i know what ppl wll always talk behind one another's back , at least once in awhile. and seriously, i dont care. bcoz everyone is entitled for their own opinion.
trust me, i wanted to meet you guys up when sita made that god awful decision but sita stopped me and said its pointless. if you wanna meet up, i tak kisah.
i hv never said sita is a saint, but its her life. dia nak make an obvious stupid mistake, even after ppl told her its not the best, including me, let her be la.
but no, u guys still tak happy. even when she is doing the very thing u guys told her to.
and abt me blogging, i write on my own time. n i do it in my own domain,....not in public like u n nina - FB?
but hey...up to u. i hv nothing personal against you, but just how things r handled.
i think its all blown out of proportion. and if im not worng aida, ur d one with quite a stable emotion - i tot u cld handle sum crticsm. coz i tot u pun sharp tongue like me, so i guess u guys cld handle it like me. but i guess im wrong, so i apologise.
i got a better idea, lets meet up outside, so that u tak payah make me a drink - i can pay for it, since im soooo important n successful in my job and all, i think i can afford it then.
in fact, lets meet up, drinks on me! since i offended u guys and all. wat say u gals? up for it? :D
call me babe.
p/s: thanks for reading my blog...i hv no idea! do give more comments - i always welcome it! :D
Yana, may i ask..what 'god awful decision are u talking about?'
My family and i only told her two things-Pay up ur debts and start parenting your own children!Take responsibility for her own family.
Thats it!Nothing more, nothing less.
And no Yana, im nowhere near interested in meeting up with u, especially to discuss bout Sita coz frankly, u're not supposed to be in the pic in the first place.Even im amazed as to the extent u have meddled in my family matters.Just so u know, u have done more harm than good.Now none of us are talking to Sita, and all thx to u.
yes Yana, i am the one with the stable-emotion.But i have my limits. I have defended sita like nobody's business until i realised, this 'mistake' ur goin off about is not a mistake at all. It was a habit.And it was done intentionally.
U owe ppl money, u pay up.U dont make them beg for it, irregardless of whether they hv a filthy rich husband.If money is owed, then money should be paid.
Secondly, if u pandai buat anak, then pandai2 la jaga anak.Jangan main lepas. Her son is so bloody withdrawn she doesnt even realise it!!and when we tell her-she says we want to meddle.But hey, we're the ones parenting him!
So again yana, i dont think u know the whole story.And threfeore u are not in a position to judge.
And ur rite, its your blog.Write, bitch and blame whomever u fancy.
But dont break up my family.We have tumbled but certainly have not crumbled.
All i ask of u is to leave us alone to deal with this mess. Im sure u'd want the same when ur family is in crisis, and im sure u wouldnt want anybody to meddle, be it aunts, uncles, cousins or in laws, would u?
And wow, calling us pigs?? and calling nina basically a Nazi??wow...u do hve class.
Macam ni la Yana...u said in your blog, the war is on.So be it la..u nak war sorang2..suka hati la u la ye..
Thanks Yana for all u've done.Hope u are now at peace.
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