Sunday, November 8, 2009

I am a B I T C H

Some people wonders why am I so stubborn?

Why am I always so angry?

Why am I always bruttally honest?

Why do I do what I do...

Let me explain as plain as possible so that all the imbeciles out there are able to understand as this would be the first and last time I explain myself... so, here goes nothing...

Stubborn? Its just because I believe that my suggestions or opinions are/were good for me or for someone that I care (because I only give those to people that I care! D'uh!) and also because I have back bone! Careful, this might be a new term to most of you out there!

Angry? Maybe because I always see intelligent people get run over by morons??

Brutally Honest? Its the most efficient way to get the message across!

And last but not least...

Do What I Do.... Because its my life and I do what I fucking hell I like la! I dont fuck care what you think!

So, now you may wonder whats wrong with me?

Oooh, theres absolutely NOTHING wrong with me.

I am just... a.... B I T C H!

....and damn proud of it! (its on my fuckin blog title, for God's sake la!)

The Bitch that I am proudly referring to is the type that every woman should have and i am quite sure have in them. They just need to have the gutts to unleash it every once in awhile. Especially when you are pushed to the wall and you are in a cross road whether to follow the herd and compromise your principles and happiness OR stand up for yourself and ask them to take a hike!

A Bitch is self assured and damn comfortable in their own skin. And most importantly, do not care what the fuck society think of them.

A Bitch does not run away from problems, but face it with a mischevious smile and says "Bring it!"

Yes, these Bitches may not have tonnes of friends but they have a handful of great friends and truth be told, that is the best! What is the fucking point of having a bunch of leeches that will suck the life out of you, and when theres nothing left, dump you and move on to the next chump!

Now, in my life, I havent met that many Bitches, but there are many 'Wannabes' but when there are circumstances arise when their inner Bitches should emerge and take over - they chicken out!

Do you have the following traits or characteristics?
- meek
- timid
- push over
- low or no self esteem
- dependant
- whiny
- constantly wallow in self pity
- cares a lot of what society thinks of you and what you do
- thinks you are a a looser
- a pesimist
- blames everything and anything bad that happened to them, on fate
- intelligent but still lets people shove their ideas and opinions down your throat
- and other looser behaviour, habits and attributes (too many to write down la!)

So, if you are all that and more, you are definitely NOT a Bitch. So stop self proclaiming that you are one!

Look, basically being a Bitch is simply liberating yourself to live your life according to how think is the best for you.

I have lived with this principle for the past 4 years+! And girls, let me tell you, its addictive! Once you are a Bitch, you dont want to go back to being your old looser self!

For those that wanna break free from the numb minding rut, dont worry. Its never too late. You just need to have balls and determination to want to. Once you have that, then there are steps to becoming it, which i will post in another post.

For those that is offended by this post, i just wanna say...........

I DONT GIVE A FUCK! Its my bloody blog! Dont like what you read, move fuckin on! I wont die without you! You are probably one of the whiny annoying weak loosers anyway!