This is a story about a very very very she small sweet friend of mine - Alice.
She is the epitome of "looks can be deceiving".
She looks so sweet, timid, docile and fragile. But OMG, she is so opposite from that. She is firm in a quiet way, she is LOUD, her laugh is so unlady like and she swears..A LOT!
But she is an extremely nice friend, very funny and trustworthy.
Below are pictures that shows just a tiny fraction of what she is...enjoy! :)
Alice, stay just the way you are. Dont ever change!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
My Dear Sweet Friend Alice...
Posted by tyssl at 12:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
At long last...
At long last.
After 13 years of working, I am finally recognised.
After so long of enduring moronic bosses, doing all their work and I having to bite my tongue when they get all the credit, and not to mention getting a lowsy pay, at last, now my work is noticed and recognised.
I am blessed having to work with smart, open minded bosses that truly values employees that are unique, creative and opinionated. And I am so happy that when they told me that they practice performance based KPI. At first I was skeptical as I have heard that phrased being misused by so many companies before. But I was assured the first 2 months I worked here.
I first joined the company as Business Executive. Then after working my ass off, they promoted me to Senior Marketing Executive. Mind you, I was still under probation. So, it was totally understandable for them to extend it for another month to evaluate me in this new job title and description.
So, when time is up and its time to confirm me, things were quiet. I grew anxious and start to reflect all that I have done. Was it good enough?
Then morning of Friday, 17th April 2009, at Naza Hotel Melaka, while smoking, H casually told me that he has bad news. He said he cant confirm me. I was upset and quickly asked why. He said after much deliberation from the HODs, they have decided that I am not suited to be Senior Marketing Executive, but as Assistant Manager!!
I was speechless!! And I was all teary and smiling like a bloody idiot! Hahahahah!!
Rizal and Sita was there too. Sita was smiling and hugged me and congratulated me. Rizal on the other hand just casually smile and with "I knew already la" look! F* him la! Hahahahahha...
I was so fucken happy, there are no words that could describe it!
It felt so good to hear your bosses proudly call you Assistant Manager for the first time in front of people. I felt so appreciated and proud of my self.
I called my Mum and told her the great news. I thanked her for all of her prayers. She was so happy and proud of me that she cried. She even later, prayed and thanked God for this blessing.
I just wished my Dad was here. I wished he was here to witness me finally being recognised and be someone. I Miss and Love you so much, Dad.
And definitely not forgetting the love of my life, my soul mate and best friend, Rizal. Thank you so much for all your support, advice and guidance. Love you, sayang.
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.... Amin.
Posted by tyssl at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
No! Not again..
Its back.
Just when I thought I am totally rid of it, its back to haunt and torture my life!
Why does it have to return, just when my life is finally in order and good things are happening!
It is making me so tired! And not too mention the emotional roller coaster ride that I have to endure! If it doesn’t affect others, I really don’t mind. But loved ones are victims of my many moods. When this happens, I feel so drained. I feel like a freak!
Once I had it under control and I was excited. For the first time in many years, I dare to think of little ones running around at home. I thought finally, I would be able to be a true woman – a daughter, a wife and finally….a mother. But now, I am not sure anymore.
Look, I can handle not able to be a mother. In fact I have been psyching myself that for the past five years. *sighs* But I can’t take it when I can’t even be a normal woman! A normal wife!
My biggest fear is that I would loose him. I don’t know how long he is patient. Don’t know how long he wants to be with me. Don’t know how long it would be when he just tolerates me being with him. Don’t know how long he would still love me.
I don’t want to give up…not yet. I know many said I am still young. But they are not in my shoes, living in this body and going through this….’condition’ for years! I am just so tired of it! Sometimes, I just feel like getting rid of it for good and just make the best of the rest of my life. At least I know what I am and I will adapt my life to it. But now…OMG!
I am tired. Dead tired.
God, help me, please…
Posted by tyssl at 1:01 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Never Judge A Book By Its Cover!
I do not know how to begin to tell the story of this extremely courageous family.
My work is to help people. Help them get better in health as well as financially, if they want to. In my many years in this line, I have seen many types of people. So, just when I thought I can hardly be surprised, I was totally caught off guard by this absolutely awesome family.
We call them "Amri's family". This is due to a very special, beautiful angel - Amri. He is an 11 year old handsome boy that unfortunately suffers severe Cerebal Palsy. It is a disorder that disabled the child of any independant movement. It induces frequent fits due to high fever and it effects his brain - especially his motor skills and speech part of the brain. His gums are all swollen and bloody at times. Therefore, he is in constant pain. He cries most of the time. And he need someone with him always. It breaks my heart to see him like that, because he is so precious!
Rizal, Sita and I had very small expectations that our products - Ruicao, is able to help him due to the severity of his illness. But we gave his mother, 3 trial packs anyway.
But to our delight, Amri responded well. His fever reduced a lot, he can sit for 2 hours and is not in pain!! His mother cried and when we first heard of the news, the 3 of us had tears in our eyes. Especially Sita. As she have seen him personally. But now we worry, how can the family afford it?
Pakcik Said, Amri's father cant work because he has extremely bad respiratory problems because he suffered TB before. Makcik Timah, Amri's mother, is the sole bread winner of the family. She is working part time as an assistant cook in a restaurant. And this lovely couple has 12 kids!! OMG, rite? But they survived just fine and in fact they are happy and very close knitted.
When Amri got better, they at first asked our help to supply the products for free, as they cant afford to buy it monthly for him. But I had a very long talk with them and made them realise that the best help from the company is help them be rid of financial difficulties for good and earn money continuously.
Fortunate for the couple, they have very smart and hard working daughters that has natural business talents. After educating them of the basic know-hows of MLM, and motivational talks, they decided to go all out!
They bought 2 stockist which is worth RM6k+!! Part of it came from their family savings, money from one of the daughters to buy a motorbike (which she collected for quite awhile!) and the rest came from sales of the products.
They are fast learner with great determination to succeed. They sold 6 boxes within 3 hours!! And thats just the beginning! And it seems they have unconciously found a very effective method; 1 daughter takes care of the paperwork and finances, another daughter takes care of the stock taking, the father will ride around town on his bike and talk to people about Ruicao and what has it done for the family and when he gets interested party, the mother will go and close the sale. Isnt that ingenious?!
This incredible family is the talk of the town and among all our members. They are true example that never judge a book by its covers and with will and determination, you can do and be successful in anything!
May God bless and protect them always.... Amin.
Posted by tyssl at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Earth Hour

(fyi: this is the shadow of sita's mouth!
Posted by tyssl at 9:52 PM 0 comments