OMG! I cant believe it! I never thought I would own it!
I now own my very own iPod Touch screen!
My beloved hubby bought it for me! He said he loves to make me happy and to see the look on my face when he surprises me with presents. I never demand for these type of things bcoz I think its more of a luxury than necessity. But he said I deserve it. I was teary eyed when he said that. And just thinking about it..... *sighs*.. Thank you , my love.
At first I wasnt able to enjoy my gift straight away because, you see, this is a second hand iPod. That part I really dont mind. I get it cheaper and its still very new - virtually unused. But it doesnt come with a wall charger, just USB cable in order for me to not only charge via PC, but to transfer and organise my iPod. But I always like to have back up of using the socket charger. And anyway, I need to charge it because its battery is less than 10%.
Then I noticed that its not charging when I used the USB cable. So I thought that since my laptop is kinda old, it cannot charge my ipod. So , I went to Digital Mall to buy the socket charger. But that seem not to work as well. By this time, I was worried that the problem was the iPod battery itself. And that would cost a bomb to have it fixed! But before the iPod battery totally KO, I was able to fiddle around with it. So, I know its working but confused that the fact it cant charge.
So, after a few days of frustration, I got to know that there was an Apple store at 1Utama. So, off I went there with Halim and met the tech support. In just a few minutes, he was able to identify the problems that dumbfounded me for few days! Well, he is the expert! D'uh! Hehehheheh...
He said the problem wasnt the iPod battery but the USB cable was faulty. Then I asked why is it that I cant charge using the socket charger that I bought at Digital Mall? After he tested it, he said that the charger was faulty as well. I wasnt happy at all. But it soothes me that the iPod was still under warranty and they will replace the USB cable for free. But it takes up to 5 working days.
Damn it! And I was thinking of using the iPod during my trip to the East Coast next week. I requested that they put a note there that I would like to pick up the cable before my trip. They will try but unable to promise. Fine! I'll just go to Digital Mall straight away and replace the faulty charger. So, off I and Halim go to PJ. We had to double park coz as usual Sec 14 was packed.
When I told the sales guys there what happen, they claim that my iPod was faulty, just because they tested on their store ipod and theirs works! Go figure la! But I stood firm on the fact that my iPod was just fine and verified by Apple tech support! *sighs*
After testing ALL their socket chargers, they tested using the USB adapter charger. Finally that works! But I have to top up more to buy the USB cable coz the adapter doesnt come with it. WTF?? I told them why would I want to buy a cable when my own cable would be replaced by Apple for FREE?! They understood but they start to babble about the extra cost and what not all... OH DEAR GOD!!
I was tired and frustrated and told the guys just return my money back and I will just wait for my freaking cable from Apple. Then, they decided to give me the adapter with the cable for no extra money. I guess they pitied me laa.. OH THANK GOD! (The socket charger was rm58 and the USB adapter charger with usb cable was rm99! Pretty good deal huh? :D)
So, thats what happen. Now, I finally get to fully enjoy my new iPod!
Thank you for those patient souls that helped me like Halim and the sales guys at Digital Mall, but especially for my sayang, for being extra patient with my short tempred nature and impatience! I love you!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Touch Me...Touch Me! :P
Posted by tyssl at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Search Your Soul
Meniti Titian Usang
Kertas putih salju
Ku coretkan kedukaanku
Hitam dan kelabu
Adalah warna dalam hidupku
Kejutkanlah aku kawan
Aku sedang bermimpi
Kejutkanlah aku
Yang sengsara dalam mimpi
Gementar kakiku
Meniti titian usang
Berdegup jantungku
Apakah dapat ku ke seberang
Sambutlah tanganku kawan
Aku takut tenggelam
Sambutlah tanganku kawan
Jurangnya sangat dalam
Jurangnya sangat mengerikan
Ramai yang telah kecundang
Dia sedang menunggu
Untuk memimpimku
Di seberang sana
Adanya cahaya
The lyrics are beautiful, so deep and meaningful.
Its telling a story of a lost soul that is sufferring in hell. How he seek help from anyone and everyone. How he is looking for the light, the right path...
It also tells us that God always wait for us to repent and will always want to help guide us back to the right path.
This song makes me repent and I feel sad when I remember my own flesh and blood. I always pray that she repent and come back to us.
Please God, I pray that you will always love, bless and protect me and my loved ones.
Insya Allah....Amin.
Posted by tyssl at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Its here! Its finally here!
Its soo beautiful, comfy and just simply cool! Its different from my usual colors. I dont wanna be only a all black chick! After almost 4 years, this is a f* good upgrade. And I got it for a very fair price!
Thanx sooo much sayang! Its perfect!
Posted by tyssl at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Akward emptiness
When I look at my living room, I felt this akward feeling of emptiness. I know, I know. Its just sofas! :p
But, after almost 4 years with us, its got lots of history. It was our first furnitures that we bought together. Its been with us through good times and bad times.
I know I am gonna get new, bigger and beautiful sofa, but I am gonna miss my old ones. Miss the creaky sounds, the holes it got from Diane due to ciggarette ash... And of course other 'memories' that are...heheheh....very memorable. *sighs*
I know its ridiculous , but I am comforted that its with a nice new owner that I know will take good care of it. :D
Posted by tyssl at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
It's on! It's finally confirmed! I am going to celebrate my 6th anniversary on 13th July at..... BANGKOK!! We are going on the 11th til the 14th. Aaah... 4 days and 3 nights of sheer shopping heaven! :D (And lots n lotsa 'action' as well, if you get what I mean! Hahhahahah!)
We went to MATTA Fair at PWTC this afternoon. There's sooo many people there! Not to mention there is soo many packages to choose from soo many agencies! But finally we decided to go with PYO Travel. It was a great deal.
I am soo happy and excited! Now is the sucky part - waiting for 3 bloody months! *sighs*
Oh, well. Looking on the bright side, I have 3 months to save up as much money as possible to shop til I drop in Bangkok! YEY!!
Jangan jeles, people!! ;p
Posted by tyssl at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My 'virgin' experience!
It was my first time.
At first, I was reluctant and lazy to go through it. I am not a morning person!! But after coercion from my loved ones, I succumb. OMG! I am so happy they insisted on me joining them!
I just had my first SUNRISE! Wow! It was the best!
No words is able to do justice of how beautiful it was and how I feel at that time! So, I hope these pictures can give you some idea of how I feel and how gorgeous it was!
Isnt it just simply beautiful??
Even with these excellent photos can never replace the actual picture of this magnificent sunrise. At that moment, everything in this world seem to stop and enjoying this with me. Its as if all the problems of the world seem petty and non existence. Its as if, all that matters is love for one another.
I have never felt so....thankful, content, deliriously happy yet humbled and at awe with God's 'skills' all at the same time! I also felt a tad bit sad as I miss my parents and wished they were here to share this wonderful moment with me. Maybe I can share with Mummy, in the future, but Dad... *sighs*. I miss you Dad, a lot!
My entire experience is complete and made me very happy is that I was able to share it with my best friend, soul sister - Sita and most importantly my bestest friend, soul mate, lover and hubby - Rizal. Love you guys!!

Posted by tyssl at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Posted by tyssl at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Yummy Sin!
Posted by tyssl at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Beautiful Lie
I say this because my own blood can have the heart to do that to our most beloved! What has this world turn to when you cant even trust one of your own??
My heart broke into a million pieces when I hear her anguish cry over the phone. All I can do at that time was shut my eyes, take a deep breath and lend her my ears to let her let it all out. Inside, I wish I am rich so that I could take her out of this predicament. She may not be perfect, but she have went through a lot and she is alone, all she have is me, and....... that.... I dont know what to call that woman, because there's a lot of words that come to mind, like moron, stupid-proud (bodoh-sombong), narrow minded, selfish, ungrateful fckr!
Why is that bitch doing this? Doesnt she know our beloved may not be with us that long anymore? After loosing one, I cant even picture the day I loose another without shedding a tear. I hope d B* would realise before its too late. At that time, even if she is crying blood, it wont matter a damn bit.
I may not care what happen to you, but if anything were to happen to you, your kids are my kids, always have been and always will.
Hey B*! You are living in this life filled with lies. In the eyes of everyone, you are good, kind and caring. But, they dont know the real you. You are living a beautiful lie. But that will never last long. You will get what is coming for you, sooner or later, you will get it. Because God is fair.
Hope God Almighty have mercy on your soul.... coz I dont. Thats it, no more. I give up. As far I am concerned, you no longer exist in my life. You are just someone I know. I dont F*care about you anymore. No more pain, no more...YOU.
Posted by tyssl at 3:35 PM 0 comments