5 years.
Its been five years around this time of the year that I have lost you. But it seems like only yesterday.
I wish you were here.
This year everyone was around. The whole family. You'd be so happy. Your cucu is all grown up. They are beautiful and intelligent. You'd be so proud.
I wish you were here.
I am finally in a somewhat comfortable zone, financially . I am working in a good company and so far, I like it. I am fully recognised for what I did and what I can do. Rizal is finally in a position that he likes, and getting the salary that he deserves. And this is just the beginning, Insya Allah.. He's patience and all the hardship that he went through before, is finally paid off. Alhamdulillah..
I wish you were here.
But just when I thought things are finally doing fine... I think you know what, or who I am talking about. I dont know what happened to her. Its like she is a totally different person. She's like a stranger to me. But seriously, I dont care how she treat or feel about me, but mummy... Oh, God. I cant even say it. I just hope she'd come to her senses soon, before its too late.
I really wish you were here.
I know no matter how many times I keep wishing for that, it'll never come true. But I am somewhat comforted because I know you are in a better place, happy and still watching over me.
But still, I really wish you were here.
I Miss You So Much!
Al-Fatehah.... Amin.
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