Marcus Buckingham's Strong Life Test
Its quite accurate.....very interesting.
This is the results for my personality...
Your Lead Role

You begin by asking:
'What is the best thing to do?'
Your thrill comes from knowing that you are the person others turn to for the answer. You don’t necessarily want to be the person who actually makes the changes happen. Rather, what excites you is being valued by others for your insight and your judgment.
Your best quality:
Your ability to find a solution
Search for data to support your advice
Be careful you:
Don’t get frustrated by other people’s failings
Your smartest career move:
Any job where you’re paid to be opinionated
Your Supporting Role

You begin by asking:
'Who can I connect?'
You see the world as a web of relationships, and you are always excited by the prospect of connecting two new people within your web.
Your best quality:
Your genuine curiosity
Trust in your web of relationships
Be careful you:
Don’t push people together who shouldn’t be
Your smartest career move:
Any job where you’re paid to speed up the connection between people.